HotAIR - Stanley Cohen


Nobel Thoughts: STANLEY COHEN

Profound Insights of the Laureates

by Marc Abrahams

Stanley Cohen is Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry at Vanderbilt University Medical School. In 1986, he and Rita Levi-Montalcini were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. He spoke, via telephone, from his office in Nashville, Tennessee.

QUESTION: Do you get better ideas while taking a bath or while taking a shower?

I haven't taken a bath in years. I only take showers.

QUESTION: What's the best length of time to stay in the shower?

Ten minutes.

QUESTION: How warm should the water be?

I personally like to take hot showers.

QUESTION: Do you have any advice for young people who are entering the field?

Yes. Work hard and be lucky.

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