Profound Insights of the Laureates

by Marc Abrahams

Jan Tinbergen was Professor of Development Planning at what is now the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In 1969 he received the Nobel Prize for Economics. We spoke via the kind assistance of the gallant Dutch journalist Herbert Blankesteijn. This interview was conducted in 1992. Professor Tinbergen died in 1994.

Is money the root of all evil?

A. No.

Do you prefer to use cash or checks?

A. I use a lot of checks from our Postbank. I think they're very handy. The Anglo Saxon ones are not. It may take a long time before you are informed about the change in your account when the person who has received the check doesn't cash it soon enough. With the Dutch Postbank you are informed quickly.

Should people throw coins into wishing wells?

A. I have no objection to that.

Do you have any advice for young people who are entering the field?

A. I have no special advice for people who want to become economists. But I am publishing a booklet for people who are entering the Third Millenium in 2001. The book promotes various kinds of good behavior. You can read it if you like.

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