HotAIR - MAY WE RECOMMEND -- Math -- Aunty, Anti, Cool, and Hot


Math -- Aunty, Anti, Cool, and Hot

Concepts that may merit some degree of attention

by Bertha Vanation, AIR staff

Mathematical mini-poet M.H. Mothra has sent us another in his (her?) series of so-called "Moth-eaten Math Mini-Poems." This one is entitled "Aunty Math, Anti-Math, Cool Math, Hot Math." Here is the poem in its entirety:

Aunty Math, Anti-Math, Cool Math, Hot Math
by M.H. Mothra

Aunty Math
Cool Math
Hot Math

Mothra perhaps kindly points out that each stanza corresponds to a web site or a book. Here are those correspondences:

Aunty Math


Cool Math

Hot Math

M. H. Mothra recommends each of these locations or things for their "mathepoetical style." We take him (her?) at his (her?) word.

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