What else does that performing chemist perform?

You may have seen Daniel Rosenberg performing as a performing chemist in the Ig Nobel Prize ceremonies, and wondered, “What does this person do when he is not performing as a performing chemist in the Ig Nobel Prize ceremonies?” Mike Szczys answers that question, writing on the Hackaday web site:


What if there was a job where you built, serviced, and prepared science demonstrations? This means showing off everything from principles of physics, to electronic theory, to chemistry and biology. Would you grab onto that job with both hands and never let go? That was my reaction when I met [Dan Rosenberg] who is a Science Lecture Demonstrator at Harvard University. He gave me a tour of the Science Center, as well as a behind the scenes look at some of the apparatus he works with and has built….

Here’s Daniel in action on the job, and in a video teaser for last year[2014]’s Ig Nobel ceremony:

At this year’s Ig Nobel Prize ceremony — the Twenty-Fifth 1st Annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, Daniel will also be one of the leads (Maria Ferrante and Scott Taylor are the other leads) in the new Ig Nobel mini-opera, “The Best Life”. Watch him on the ceremony live webcast.

UPDATE (September 13, 2015): Here’s the video teaser for the 2015 Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, starring Daniel: