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Physician's Weekly
November 1, 1999          Vol. XVI, No. 1
Nobelists celebrate the wild and wacky 

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-Harvardís Annals of Improbable Research again honored work that ěcannot or should not be reproducedî at the ninth annual ěIg Nobel Prizeî awards. 

  Winner for medicine was a published study comparing 110 homemade urine-sample containers. Dr. Arvid Vatle, a GP from Stord, Norway, called his work ěutterly uselessî but added ěfurther research is necessary.î

  A posthumous managed-care prize went to the inventors in 1965 of a spinning table meant to hasten childbirth with centrifugal force. 

  Performing a musical retelling of Dr. Richard Seedís attempt to clone himself were real Nobel Laureates, dressed in fleece for ěThe Seedy Opera.î

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